Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography Essay

Similar to Benjamin Franklin in his Autobiography and Frederick Douglass in his Narrative, Pip in Great Expectations also demonstrates the archetypal boyhood to manhood narrative. Each story recounts a journey of growth and development, of maturation and self-discovery through experience. In addition, the protagonist of each novel has a purpose which directs his actions and decisions throughout the course of his journey. However, one significant difference exists between the two historical characters and the fictitious Pip-while Franklin and Douglass both strive for realistic and self-improving goals, Pip, like his imaginary character, entertains an idealistic dream. Pip desires to leave his former social class as a common boy and advance in life as a gentleman. This idealism quickly consumes Pip and becomes both the thematic center of the novel and the psychological mechanism that encourages much of Pip’s development. Ironically, many instances in the novel show that the symbols and figures of the wealthy class that Pip idolizes are in fact his greatest tormenters. From their unfavorable effects on Pip such as abuse, pain, and unhappiness, manifests the idea that social standing does not determine one’s happiness and well being, and most importantly, one’s self worth. Even before Pip becomes a member of the wealthy class, his mere exposure to it initiates a procession of pain brought about by physical, verbal, and emotional abuse. Miss Havisham, despite her eccentricity, represents the class, wealth, and advancement that direct Pip’s actions and emotions for a large portion of the novel. Upon hearing about Miss Havisham’s desire to see Pip, Mrs. Joe â€Å"pounced upon [Pip], like an eagle on a lamb, and my face was squeezed into wooden bowls in sinks, and my head was put under taps of water-butts, and I was thumped†¦ and rasped, until I really was quite beside myself† (52). Dickens’ clever use of violent rhetoric such as â€Å"pounced,† â€Å"squeezed,† and â€Å"rasped† and the metaphor, â€Å"like an eagle on a lamb† paints an unpleasant predator-to-victim scene in the reader’s mind. Mrs. Joe’s ecstatic reaction over the idea of Pip’s opportunity to befriend the wealthy class makes this scene the novel’s first hint of social advancement that will later consume Pip’s life. Consequently, Mrs. Joe becomes the first instrument of the upper class to inflict pain on Pip, carried out by the violent and painful bath. The physical abuse Pip endures here, so early in his childhood, also foreshadows the misery and pain he will later encounter among the upper classes. Moreover, closing the scene with â€Å"my ablutions were completed† (53) presents a resemblance between the simple bath and a ritual cleansing. The word ablution is most often associated with biblical allegories where priests were required to cleanse themselves before approaching the altar of God. Dickens’ word choice here seems to imply that Pip’s violent bath was necessary not only in cleansing him, but ridding him of the soil from his common life that might taint those in higher places. This bath scene serves as the novel’s first subtle but significant example that involvement with the upper class does not determine well being. The pain Pip endures from his first exposure to the upper class alerts the reader that an apparently positive development in his life (Miss Havisham’s invitation to her world) may have results to the contrary. Apart from physical abuse and torment, Pip’s first interactions with the wealthy class also cause him to suffer emotionally. The general magnificence and grandeur of Satis House exists not only as a symbol of the lives of the upper class, but as a symbol of Pip’s romantic perception of the upper class as well. In this aspect, it is also a source of misery for Pip and he realizes, â€Å"daylight never entered [Satis House]†¦ and under its influence I continued at heart to hate my trade and to be ashamed of home† (125). The ornate grandeur of Satis House has raised in Pip a new consciousness of his own low birth and common bearings. After his first visit, he even lies about his experience there, unwilling to sully his thoughts of it with the contrasting plainness of his every day world, for it must remain â€Å"far above the level of common doings† (72). Pip’s first visit to Satis House is a momentous event in his life. It raises in Pip an awareness of social contrast, robs him of his youthful innocence and sense of fulfillment and thus, further exemplifies the misery that is inherently linked with representations of the upper class. With the introduction of Miss Havisham and Satis House, the character Estella moves to the forefront of the novel as the ultimate symbol of Pip’s unattainable dream in Great Expectations, and the greatest cause of his sufferings. Ironically, Estella’s condescension and spite matches Pip’s feelings about himself in the world of Satis House. He accepts her condescension, â€Å"Why, he is a nothing but a common laboring-boy! † (60), without defending himself because he idealizes Estella and sorrowfully believes her to be right. This is particularly evident during times when the difference between their social classes manifest itself in the smallest things, â€Å"I had never thought of being ashamed of my hands before†¦ her contempt was so strong, that it became infectious, and I caught it† (60). Moreover, Estella consistently refers to Pip as â€Å"Mr. Pumblechook’s boy† (58), â€Å"silly boy† (266), or simply â€Å"boy†, using any word but his real name. This is a form of verbal abuse because it ultimately degrades Pip to a gender with no unique identity. Estella practices a deliberate cruelty on Pip that wins his deepest love and causes him to develop a passionate but unrequited devotion for her. This is one of the harshest examples of the pain and torment Pip must endure as he interacts with the upper class. Through these accounts, it becomes evident that social standing and wealth does not always determine well being. In fact, it may accomplish just the opposite-physical pain, emotional disturbance, and misery from the knowledge of one’s common bearings. Even when Pip becomes a gentleman and is received by society, there is a sharp decline in his confidence and happiness that accompanies this rise in social status. Pip’s unofficial entrance into the world of a wealthy gentleman can be marked as the event where he put on a real gentleman suit. Interestingly, Pip describes, â€Å"after this memorable event†¦ I felt rather like Mother Hubbard’s dog† (152). While a notable occasion such as this would have naturally allowed for happiness and celebration, Pip instead compares his elevated social standing to a common animal of a children’s poem. The demeaning effect of the suit, versus it’s intended dignifying effect, not only foreshadows the unsatisfactory life Pip will lead as a gentleman, but poses further doubt on the hopes and ideals Pip holds of the wealthy class.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Contextual factors on the adoption and infusion of ABC

The chief research aims of this survey are to look into the influence of certain contextual factors on the execution phases, acceptance and extract of ABC, and besides to look into whether the acceptance and extract of ABC better Persian fabrication houses ‘ public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) This chapter provides a treatment to which findings reported in Chapter five are able to supply replies to the research inquiries and achieve the research objectives set out at the beginning of the research. The findings of this survey supply groundss in three distinguishable positions: execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC and in these countries are tested three major contextual facA ­tors: environmental factors, technological factors, and organisational factors. Therefore, the following three subdivisions discuss the consequences related to three major contextual facA ­tors: environmental factors, technological factors, and organisational factors. Following subdivision provides treatment on hypotheses 7 which predicted that the effects of each contextual factor on ABC execution phases are changed. Then relationships between execution phases, acceptance, extract of ABC and organisational public presentation are presented. Following subdivision provides treatment relat ionship between execution phases, acceptance, extract of ABC and organisational public presentation. The following subdivision the deduction of the survey, and discusses about both theoretical and practical deductions. This is followed by the treatment on the survey ‘s possible restrictions. For get the better ofing such restrictions, several suggestions are presented for future research. Finally, in the last subdivision, decision on the overall findings is presented.6.1. Technological factors and ABC1 ) Degree of information engineering quality ( IT ) : Hypothesis one that predicted the positive consequence of IT on three positions of ABC was non supported. IT did non significantly affect the execution phases, and extract ABC. Furthermore, it was found that IT to be negatively related to ABC acceptance. As reference in old chapters, acceptance has been the chief event in ABC surveies. In this survey that ABC execution was considered as the seven phases procedure, ABC adoptive parent was defined as a house who meet at least phases 4 or supra. It means the ABC acceptance is vary from ‘plan to follow ABC ‘ to ‘ABC have adopted ‘ . The consequence indicates the negative consequence of IT on ABC acceptance. This determination is considered with survey by Krumwide ( 1998b ) who find that high degree of information system ( IT ) may force houses to reject ABC before following. She argued that houses in high information system quality that are satisfied with information provided from bing system might be loath to put their resources in following ABC system. It seems that houses who have non reached the acceptance phase besides invest in a big sum of resource on IT. Possibly excessively much IT takes the focal point off from following ABC. These consequences suggest h ouses without high IT quality possibly more able to follow ABC. This survey used seven execution phases and defined extract ABC as the phase seven â€Å" Used extensively † . For analysing â€Å" extract ABC † merely ABC adoptive parent houses are included in the sample ( n = 33 ) . In the phase seven, ABC information is used outside the accounting section for determination devising. This phase is frequently cited as an of import end or ABC success. However, accomplishing this end can be hard ; some research workers believed that organisational factors have consequence on extract ABC more than the other factors ( e.g. , Shields, 1995 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ) . The IT did non play important function for houses to travel higher execution phases of ABC and accomplishing infuse ABC. Besides this consequence is non congruity with of Krumwiede ( 1998b ) who find positive consequence of IT on extract ABC, it seems the comparatively little sample size for the extract analysis failed IT playing important functions. 2 ) Degree of merchandise diverseness ( DIVER ) : In this survey DIVER relates to the assortment of merchandises that are manufactured by a house. H ( 2 ) provinces that degree of merchandise diverseness has a positive consequence on ( a ) ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC acceptance, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC extract. Hypothesis ( 1 ) was partly supported and the consequences suggest that there is a positive and important consequence of DIVER on ABC execution and ABC acceptance, but grounds shows DIVER did non significantly affect ABC extract. This suggests that as merchandise diverseness is high, the houses make greater following ABC and besides they are motivated to run into higher phase of ABC execution. These happening supported by many research workers ( e.g. , Bjornenak 1997 ; Clarke et al. , 1999 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ; Cagwin and Bouwman, 2002 ; Brown et al. , 2004 ) . They believed that high degree of merchandise diverseness increase the demand of more accurate costing systems which is a primary ground for following a new bing system such as ABC. This is what Cagwin and Bouwman ( 2002 ) where they argued that traditional cost systems has some failing ( e.g. , distorted the cost of merchandises ) and this failing in high degree of DIVER will be addition. The consequence suggests that merchandise diverseness increased the houses are more likely to utilizing ABC system. So for get the better ofing this failing the houses that produce more than five merchandises tend to be more likely to utilize ABC than houses with fewe r products.. DIVER does non play an of import function in extract ABC. This determination is contestant with Krumwiede ( 1998b ) found similar consequence. Previous surveies ( Cooper and Zmud 1990: Shields 1995 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ) suggest that organisational factors are more of import than technological factors for making the extract phase. It seems achieve the concluding phase of ABC ( utilize extensively ) is an internal challenges which affected by other variables. Furthermore, possibly the comparatively little sample size for the extract analysis failed DIVER playing important functions. 3 ) Degree of operating expense ( OVER ) : The step of OVERE involved with the measuring of house ‘s cost construction and per centum of operating expense calculated and applied as a value of OVER. However, the descriptive statistic consequence ( table 5.15, p.190 ) shows in 52.7 % of houses, more than 24 % of entire cost is overhead, which is high degree of operating expense. These findings are rather similar to Xiong et Al. ( 2008 ) where they found that in Chinese fabrication houses the per centum of fabricating overhead disbursal have increased in recent decennaries. Furthermore, many research workers believed that the operating expenses allotment method in traditional costing system is non accurate, therefore the higher degree of overA ­head is the chief ground for altering the traditional costing system to new cost accounting systems such as ABC ( Narong, 2009 ; Xiong et al. , 2008 ) . H ( 3 ) that was antecedently expected a positive consequence of degree of operating expense on three positions of ABC is marginally supported. However, the determination shows mixes consequences and propose three different functions for relationships between OVER and execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC system. In execution phases, OVER is non an of import factor finding execution phases. In ABC acceptance, OVER positively influence the ABC acceptance. Furthermore OVER effects extract of ABC negatively. Kaplan ( 1991 ) believed that the overhead allotment system falsify the cost in traditional costing systems. The positive consequence of OVER on ABC acceptance is consistent with many research workers ( e.g. , Brent, 1992 ; Sohal and Chung, 1998 ; Wynder, 2008 ; Cagwin and Bouwman, 2002 ; Foster and Swenson, 1997 ) . The consequence suggested the houses with high OVER are more likely to follow ABC. Krumwiede ( 1998a ) argued that in low degree of overhead cost is a lower potency for cost deformations, and in this status, the benefits of ABC may be limited. In high degree of operating expense, potency for cost deformations is high. ABC may cut down merchandise cost deformations well ; nevertheless, this status might force houses to follow ABC system. In contrast houses with low OVER are more likely to finish acceptance procedure and meeting extract ABC. Besides this consequence is non congruence with of with Krumwiede ( 1998b ) who found that OVER does non impact extract ABC, is congruity with many research workers who found that the major trouble faced by following ABC successfully was finding of cost drivers and developing an activity lexicon ( e.g. , Khalid, 2005 ; Anand et al. , 2005 ) . They indicate that the higher the grade of OVER, the higher trouble is for happening cost drivers is. So it seems the troubles for happening accurate cost driver within acceptance phases hinder the houses to make extract ABC ( last phase ) . However, the determination shows mixes consequences for OVER and propose three different functions of OVER on three positions of ABC. This determination contestant by the invention theory that indicated a variable may hold different consequence on different phases ( Cooper and Zmud, 1990 ) . The overall consequence for over indicate the effects of OVER on three positions of ABC are changed.6.2. Environmental factors and ABC1 ) Perceived environmental uncertainness ( PEU ) : From expletory factor analysis for PEU, three constituent factors were extracted: â€Å" perceived environmental uncertainty-industrial † ( PEU-IND ) , â€Å" perceived environmental uncertainty-financial † ( PEU-FIN ) , â€Å" perceived environmental uncertainty-economical † ( PEU-ECO ) . Three dimensions of PEU measuring are based on gauging the predictability in many facets included: house ‘s providers, rivals, clients, financial/capital markets, authorities regulative, labour brother hoods, and economic sciences, politics/technology. As shows by the descriptive statistic ( table 5.17, p.191 ) PEU in all factors have average tonss above 3.00. It means the economical activities of Iran are surrounded by high degree of sensed environment uncertainness ( PEU ) . In this status the houses may non be able to foretell future easy therefore impede them to implement ABC or other new advanced accounting system. Hypothesis 4 that provinces that PEU has a negative consequence on ( a ) ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC acceptance, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC extract is marginally supported. From three dimensions of PEU merely PEU-FIN affects negatively ABC execution, all three dimensions of PEU negatively affect ABC acceptance. Furthermore, PEU-FIN affects positively ABC extract. As expected, PEU appears to play a major function in the acceptance ABC. There are negative and important relationships between all three dimensions of PEU and ABC acceptance, bespeaking the lower the grade of PEU, the higher purpose for following ABC is. Besides this consequence is inconsistent with of Anderson ( 1995 ) where found that environmental uncertainness promotes ABC acceptance, is consistent with Jusoh ( 2008 ) who found PEU negatively affect Balanced Scorecard Measures ( BSC ) use. Although the relationships between environmental uncertainness and the execution phases, acceptance, and extract ABC have non tested in the study surveies before, the extent of literature in other cost invention system ( e.g. , mark costing and balanced scorecard ) and direction accounting systems ( MAS ) supported these relationships ( e.g. , Gul, 1991 ; Lat and Hassel 1998 ; Jusoh, 2008 ; Chenhall and Morris, 1993 ; Hussain, 2003 Ax et al. , ( 2008 ) . The common decision of these surveies is that when the environmental uncertainness is considered high, directors holding less entree to information needed to do determinations and can non delegate chances to the results of the determinations. It seems under unsure conditions, director ( possibly for cut downing the hazard of the altering system ) does non supply resources for implementing new invention system such as ABC. The low rate of utilizing ABC in Iran ( 6.91 % ) may explicate with this determination. In contrast, merely one PEU declines, PEU-FIN positively affect ABC extract. This consequence indicated that after houses adopt ABC system, the higher PEU-FIN motivates them to finish the execution procedure and involve to last phase ( used extensively ) or concluding end. PEU-FIN related to predictability of financial/capital markets aspect, it seems in unsure environment fiscal resources are instable therefore ; steadfast collapsible shelter to rapidly make the concluding end of execution procedure, if they wait the cost might increase dramatically. Furthermore, these houses need to utilize ABC as chief system cost accounting system to better their cost accounting information. These acquiring consequences are consistent with Anderson ( 1995 ) who indicated that environmental uncertainness promotes ABC. Furthermore, more late Ax et Al. ( 2008 ) found that the execution of mark costing was correlated with the degree of PEU. The overall determination indicates from three decline of PEU, PEU-FIN has important consequence on three on three positions of ABC. However, an of import determination of this survey is that PEU-FIN is besides associated with ABC extract. There is important consequence with merely one decline of PEU on extract ABC. — Some pervious research workers propose that organisational factors ( e.g. , house size, preparation, and direction support ) may impact the extract ABC procedure more than the technological and environmental variables ( e.g. , Shields, 1995 ; Cooper and Zmud 1990 ; Krumwiede, 1996 ) . 2 ) Degree of competition ( COMPT ) : Competition refers to the grade of competition a house faces in a peculiar market. Hypothesis 5 which predicted the positive consequence of COMPET on ( a ) ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC acceptance, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC extract is partly supported. The COMPET positively affect execution phases and acceptance but COMPET is non an of import factor finding extract ABC. Malmi ( 1999 ) argued that competition influences the demand of accurate cost accounting information. The incorrect cost information in extremely competitory industries errors made, these errors may work by rivals instantly. Furthermore, Anderson and Young ( 1999 ) believed that in extremely competitory status, houses focus on sale monetary value and cost decrease. They argued that in this status new cost informations such as ABC are most valuable. Furthermore ABC may supply accurate and clear information that may assist tauten to cut down the cost. The determination that COMPET positively affect execution phases and acceptance quit similar to study consequence conducted by Cagwin and Bouwman ( 2002 ) who found that non-competitive state of affairss such as monopoly can take to utilize traditional cost accounting than with ABC. Furthermore, Anderson ( 1995 ) found competition played an of import function in conveying cost systems under direction review and improved the hunt for happe ning new cost direction attacks so high degree of competition encourage houses to follow ABC. In contrast, COMPET is non an of import factor finding extract ABC. Previous surveies ( Cooper and Zmud 1990: Shields 1995 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ) believed that organisational factors are more of import than environmental or technological factors for making the extract phase. It seems achieve the concluding phase of ABC ( utilize extensively ) is an internal challenges which affected by organisational factors. Furthermore, possibly the comparatively little sample size for the extract analysis failed COMPET playing important functions. 3 ) Business scheme: the accounting literature suggests that houses use peculiar accounting system, is depending on which scheme they adopt. Gosselin ( 1997 ) asserted that Miles and Snow ‘s typology is more appropriate for analyzing the issue of invention direction accounting systems such as ABC. This survey examined the grade to which houses emphasize each of the concern scheme types proposed by Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) who identified four strategic types of organisations harmonizing to the rate of alteration merchandises and markets: prospectors ( STRA-P ) , guardians ( STRA-D ) , analysers ( STRA-A ) , and reactors ( STRA-R ) . Prospectors are characterized by their dynamism in seeking market chances. Defenders have a scheme which is the polar antonym from prospectors they operate within a narrow product-market sphere characterized by high production volume and low merchandise diverseness. Analyzers stand between these two classs, sharing features of both prospectors and gua rdians. Reactors do non follow a witting scheme. As shows by the descriptive statistic ( see table 5.18, p.192 ) , most houses ( 32.4 ) adopt reactor scheme, prospector scheme is least adopted by houses ( 19.1 % ) . Hypothesis 6 ( H6 ) suggested that prospectors are more likely to be ( a ) in higher phases of ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC adoptive parents, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC infuser. H ( 6 ) is non supported. Although houses who adopt ABC employ a peculiar scheme, face-to-face with expected, analysers are more likely to be in higher phases of ABC execution and ABC adoptive parents Furthermore result indicated that extract ABC does non use a peculiar scheme. Although, the consequence did support hypothesis related to concern scheme, it shows analyser scheme with sharing advantages of both prospector and guardian is the best type of scheme to follow ABC and to travel to higher ABC execution. It seems in unsure environment that Persian houses faced, analysers houses have more tolerance and they can foretell necessary elements to do ABC acceptance determination, and to travel to higher ABC execution phases. These important determination is consistent with a statistical survey conducted by Bhimani et Al. ( 2005 ) where they found that scheme influenced the determination to see ABCM, scheme influenced the success of ABCM execution They asserted that houses will put more accent on peculiar accounting techniques or information, depending on which scheme they adopt. In contrast, the consequence indicated that for run intoing the last phase ( ABC extract phase ) houses no demand to use a peculiar scheme. This is what Moll ( 2005 ) found in her survey in that ABC user houses did non follow a peculiar scheme. As reference in old treatment, organisational factors are more of import than environmental or technological factors for making the extract phase. It seems achieve the concluding phase of ABC ( utilize extensively ) is an internal challenges which affected by organisational factors. Furthermore, possibly the comparatively little sample size for the extract analysis failed STRA playing important functions.6.3. Organizational factors and ABC1 ) Firm size ( SIZE ) : Size is measured as the degree of one-year gross revenues gross of the respondent ‘s houses. H ( 8 ) that proposed SIZE has a positive consequence on ( a ) ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC acceptance, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC extract strongly supports. The consequences suggeste d the SIZE significantly affect execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC. As expected, the larger the company, the more likely it is to follow ABC, and wining to higher execution phases even last phase ( stage 7 extract phase ) . Larger companies may besides hold more resources to put for inventions like ABC. This determination is consistence with two statistical surveies by Krumwiede ( 1998b ) and Krumwiede and Suessmair, ( 2005 ) . Krumwiede ( 1998b ) found that SIZE was a important variable in the ABC acceptance analysis and Krumwiede and Suessmair ( 2005 ) found size positively affect extract and range to high degree of German cost accounting methods ( GPK ) . Bjornenak ( 1997 ) argued that big houses have the needed resources, such as clip, financess, and forces to finance the substructure and, hence, are more capable of following ABC. Additionally, big houses with economic sciences of graduated table are more likely to afford the execution of ABC. Further, harmonizing to Van Nguyen and Brooks ( 1997 ) larger houses are more likely to hold greater entree to the cognition of design and implement ABC. 2 ) Top direction support: ( TMSUP ) : Krumwiede ( 1996 ) asserted the top direction support have connexion with houses that have begun acceptance ABC, therefore it merely tested for extract analysis together with both other technological and environmental factors. H ( 9 ) that stated top direction support has a positive consequence on ABC extract is strongly supported. The literature has identified that if top direction support the ABC, the hazard of the undertaking is reduced, entree to resources is increased and cut downing project uncertainness and thereby doing acceptance is easier ( e.g. Shields, 1995 ; Cooper et al. , 1992 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ; Brown et al. , 2004 ; Krumwiede and Suessmair, 2005 ; Melah and Nasir Ibrahim, 2006 ) . These important determination is consistent with a statistical survey conducted by Dosch and Wilson ( 2007 ) where they found that the most of import factors to ABC success was top direction support. Shields ( 1995 ) argued that the function of top di rectors ‘ support for ABC execution success is of import because can deny resources for acceptance an invention if they do non back up. Furthermore they can supply the political aid needed to actuate or force aside persons and alliances who resist the invention if they support. 3 ) Degree of preparation ( TRAIN ) : Because the Level of developing have connexion with houses that have begun acceptance ABC, it is non considered for the early acceptance ABC, and they merely tested for extract analysis together with other factors. Hypothesis 10 that asserted preparation has a positive consequence on ABC extract is non supported. The deficiency of significance for consequence of preparation on ABC extract is besides surprising. The determination that quit similar to study consequence conducted by Maelah and Nasir Ibrahim ( 2006 ) who did non happen found important influence of preparation on AB. Furthermore, Krumwiede ( 1998b ) found a negative consequence of train on ABC extract It seems the deficiency of significance for relationship between preparation and extract ABC is related to little sample size for the extract analysis ( n = 33 ) . Furthermore, from this little sample, more houses ( n = 20 ) houses are at the initial phase of ABC acceptance. Therefore, the preparation in relation to ABC was non looking as an of import factor among these organisations.6.4 Changes the consequence of contextual factorHypothesis 7 ( H7 ) stated that the consequence of these contextual factors: degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, degree of competition, concern scheme, and steadfast size alteration in ABC execution phases. Consequence shows ( see table5.31, p.210 ) from 7 variable merely 2 variable ( SIZE and STRA-A ) have same consequence on the ABC execution phases and the H ( 7 ) partly supported. This determination besides is consistency with many ABC surveies ( e.g. , Anderson, 1995 ; Krumwiede, 1998b ; Gosselin, 1997 ) which found that the consequence of selected factors vary from phase to present. Although they use a different phase theoretical account and different factors, they found same consequence that different factors associated with the different phases. Furthermore, this determination is consistency with information systems ( IS ) invention theory ( Kwon and Zmud, 1987 ) which widely accepted by the most of ABC research workers. The theory suggested that alteration occur in phases and grade of importance for each contextual factor is differ in several ABC execution phases.6.5 Organizational public presentationTwo types of public presentation steps are typically used to measure a house ‘s public presentation: fiscal and non fiscal steps. Hussain ( 2003 ) asserted multidimensional public presentation steps improve the public presentation measuring. 1 ) Financial public presentation ( PER-FIN ) : Hypothesis 11 that proposed houses who are ( a ) in higher ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC adoptive parents, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC infuser have greater degree of fiscal public presentation is to the full supported. The consequences show houses who are in higher ABC execution phases have greater degree of fiscal public presentation than houses who are in lower phases. ABC adoptive parents have greater degree of fiscal public presentation than non adoptive parents houses. Furthermore the consequence indicated ABC infuser has greater degree of fiscal public presentation than non infuser houses. This is what Cagwin and Bouwman ( 2002 ) found in their survey in that positive relationship between ABC acceptance and betterment their fiscal public presentation. 1 ) Non fiscal public presentation ( PER-NFIN ) : Hypothesis 12 that asserted houses who are ( a ) in higher ABC execution phases, ( B ) ABC adoptive parents, and ( degree Celsius ) ABC infuser have greater degree of non fiscal public presentation is to the full supported. The consequences show houses who are in higher ABC execution phases have greater degree of non fiscal public presentation than houses who are in lower phases. ABC adoptive parents have greater degree of non fiscal public presentation than non adoptive parents houses. Furthermore the consequence indicated ABC infuser has greater degree of non fiscal public presentation than non infuser houses. This important determination is consistent with a statistical survey conducted by Kennedy and Affleck-Graves ( 2001 ) where they found that the ABC acceptance significantly improves organisational public presentation including fiscal and non fiscal public presentation. Furthermore, Cooper et Al. ( 1992 ) argue that â€Å" the end of ABC is to increase net incomes, non to obtain more accurate costs † . Damanpour ( 1987 ) believed that directors are involved to the issue of bettering their organisational public presentation by following inventions. Cooper and Kaplan ( 1991 ) believed that ABC analysis enable directors to understand the beginnings of cost variableness and shows actions they can take to cut down demands on their organisational resources. Gering ( 1999 ) argued that activity-based costing by concentrating on which client or merchandise is profitable can better public presentation. Cagwin and Bouwman ( 2002 ) argued that steps of success of ABC related to better fiscal public presentation. Some research workers named extract ABC as an ABC success while acceptance is means apply ABC and get down point for implementing ABC. Meanwhile, proving ABC extract shows the clear imagination of ABC acceptance success. Sing the benefits of ABC, nevertheless, are most of import groundss which indicated that ABC user increased net incomes and obtained more public presentation. Some benefits which ABC research workers found as follow: more able to mensurate cost accurately, better apprehension of merchandise costing, and develop public presentation measurings ( Kiani and Sangeladjiai, 2003 ; Khalid, 2005 ) , better understanding for cost decrease chances, and improves managerial determination and besides proviso of better cost control, higher degrees of satisfaction with their organisations bing system ( Moll, 2005 ; Brent 1992 ) , bettering the truth of cost measured for different merchandises and services by more accurately delegating direct cost, utility of cost information for det ermination ( Clausen, 2002 ; Cooper and Kaplan, 1992 ) , Supplying a dependable indicant of long-term variable merchandise cost which is peculiarly relevant to, managerial decision-making at a strategic degree ( Sohal and Chung, 1998 ) .6.6. Deductions of the surveyThe findings of this survey have both practical and theoretical deductions. Attewell ( 1992 ) observed that most statistical surveies on inventions have used two distinguishable positions for analysis: acceptance and extract. But this survey effort utilizing one more distinguishable position for analysis: execution phases.6.6.1. Theoretical deductionsAt the degree of theory, the primary relevancy lies in its scrutiny in three distinguishable positions: execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC. This survey attempts to lend to the theoretical organic structure of cognition in four Fieldss. In the file of cost accountings invention, the determination can explicate utilizing ABC as an of import cost accounting invention. ABC introduced to get the better of failing of traditional cost accounting system. Although utilizing ABC demonstrates advantages and improves house ‘s public presentation ; degree of utilizing of this system is still lower than traditional 1. Besides the determination may explicate this paradox by demoing the negative consequence of some factors on ABC acceptance which are non under the directions control ( e.g. , environmental uncertainness ) or affect of some factors opposite what was antecedently expected ( e.g. , information engineering quality ) . The potency for direction accounting literature ( MAS ) to inform ABC execution research is highlighted by this survey. Mireover, this survey contributes to the accounting invention literature refering the combination consequence of certain contextual factors on execution phases, acceptance, and ext ract of ABC. Further, the chief part is conceptualisation of sensed environmental uncertainness ( PEU ) and its investigated consequence that indicated influences of PEU on execution phases, acceptance, and extract of activity-based costing ( ABC ) . This survey identified the PEU as a most of import determiner for making the acceptance and extract of ABC. In add-on, this survey contributes to the literature sing to applied multidimensional public presentation steps and trial difference of fiscal and non fiscal public presentation between adoptive parents / non adoptive parents, infusers / non infusers, and low execution phases / high phases groups. Furthermore, the survey contributes to the strategic direction literature with supplying groundss refering the designation and measuring of Miles and Snow ‘s scheme typology. Furthermore the determination can explicate that houses use peculiar accounting system, is depending on which scheme they adopt.6.6.2. Practical deductionsFrom the determination of this survey, there are deductions in four practical countries. First sing the ABC system designs, different contextual factors ( i.e. , technological, environmental, and organisational factors ) are tested to happen whether they affect acceptance, and extract ABC. The determination is shown technological factors ( e.g. , Information system quality, merchandises diverseness, and operating expense ) , environmental factors ( e.g. , Uncertainty, competition, and scheme ) and organisational factors ( e.g. , size ) consequence the acceptance ABC. Furthermore, the consequences indicate the positive function for these full variables ex cept information engineering and uncertainness that affect ABC acceptance negatively. Furthermore, the consequence shows size, direction support, and uncertainty-financial positively affect extract ABC. Focus on factors that influence ABC acceptance and extract will supply utile flashiness for houses who are interested for using ABC. Based on the determination of this survey, organisations in high rate of positive ABC adoptive parents features are the good campaigners for following ABC. It seems these consequences may be of import for non-ABC adoptive parents houses sing acceptance or ABC adoptive parents houses sing extract ABC. Organizations may desire to compare themselves on these factors to find how closely they make consecutive with following and infusing houses. Second, with respect to the regard of concern scheme use, the determination provides groundss that concern scheme is a cardinal component in the implementing and following ABC system. The determination indicated adoptive parents houses are following peculiar scheme. From Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) scheme typology, analyser are more likely to be in higher ABC execution phase and besides ABC acceptance. Based on the determination of this survey, houses that choose analyzer scheme analyser are good campaigners for following ABC. Thus these companies may be refering for utilizing ABC to develop their cost accounting system. Organizations may desire to compare themselves on scheme to find how closely they make consecutive with adopting houses. Third, the most of import determination of this survey is following and inculcating ABC system better both fiscal and non fiscal organisational public presentation. These consequences should be of import for non-ABC adoptive parents houses sing acceptance or ABC adoptive parents houses sing extract ABC. Firms may actuate to following ABC to better their organisational public presentation. Furthermore, houses who are adopted ABC may better their cost accounting methods by extract ABC and accomplishing concluding end.6.7. RestrictionAs with any research, this survey has many restrictions that must be cited. The undermentioned restrictions are the most relevant. First, the pick of trying frame is old restrictions. This survey covers merely fabricating sectors selected from Tehran Stock Exchange ( TSE ) and consequences of the survey besides need to be generalized with cautiousness. There are any generalisations of the consequences to other sector ( e.g. , distribution, retail, services, transit, and others ) should be with cautiousness. In this instance future research should see other sectors such as service and non-profit sectors, authorities organisation in order to acquire better apprehension of the ABC system and its application. Further, the existent population of fabrication houses in whole Iran was non considered. In this instance, future research should look into across geographical parts in Iran to get the better of the restriction of little sample size. Second, the response rate was reasonably high at a degree of 44 % and t-test was performed to try forestalling this job. Gosselin ( 1995 ) believed that there is no manner to cognize for certain whether the non-respondents are different than the respondents. However, it can non reason that respondents are equal option for the whole population of fabrication listed on TSE. For future research suggested that uses both questionnaire study and instance survey methods to avoid this restriction. Third, questionnaire were use to obtain informations and focused for mensurating the respondents ‘ perceptual experiences. Therefore, the variable steps are more subjective than other possible types of information. For illustration in this survey the operating expense cost assumes as an independent variable and its measuring was more subjective, future research should put a greater concern for measuring variables and should utilize secondary informations for mensurating some variable such as house size, diverseness, operating expense and fiscal public presentation to order garnering nonsubjective informations. Next, the decision-making procedures are rather complex and likely related to extra factors which are non tested in this survey. Surveies are limited by a deficiency of other contextual factor. In this instance, future research should clear up the relationship between international PEU perceptual experience, entry manner scheme and ABC acceptance. Finally, a study attack enhances the external cogency of the findings, but for farther improved it should be better to carry on follow-up interviews if it been possible.6.8. DecisionActivity-based costing is the most of import accounting invention. It was developed for get the better ofing the merchandise cost deformation that caused by utilizing traditional costing system ( TCA ) , and research workers have agreed that ABC allocates overhead costs more accurately than TCA. In fact, the possible offered by the survey may good transcend the other accounting inventions. ABC has gained increasing public presentation and consciousness throughout the fabrication houses. Sing the benefits of ABC, empirical groundss show that ABC user increased net incomes and enhance organisational public presentation. In the current survey Logit analysis was used to prove the effects of several contextual factors on execution, acceptance and extract of ABC. These contextual factors were classified as technological, environmental, and organisational factors. Overall findings show the consequence of the technological factors ( e.g. , Information system quality, merchandises diverseness, and operating expense ) , on execution, acceptance and extract is marginally supported. The overall consequence of environmental factors ( e.g. , Uncertainty, competition, and scheme ) on these three distinct positions of ABC is partly supported. Meanwhile, the overall consequence of organisational factors ( e.g. , size, direction support, and preparation ) is ABC is partly supported. Fur thermore, three interesting consequence of this survey were: The negative consequence of IT on acceptance ABC, The negative consequence of operating expense on extract ABC, and the positive consequence of uncertainty-financial on extract ABC Furthermore, this survey found the betterment of house ‘s public presentation in the acceptance and extract phase of ABC. The primary focal point of this work is non to develop new theatrical processs to follow ABC system and brow a 7 phases model from other research worker, but to research how this theoretical account would work when the environment and the factors combination are changed. Three theoretical accounts were developed to capture the consequence of certain factors on different phases of ABC. Adoption theoretical account look into the influences of contextual factors when ABC is used on occasion, while in extract theoretical account, ABC is used extensively. Furthermore, ABC execution phases model effort to happen the different consequence of this contextual factors on different phases. This survey follows the theory that used by most of ABC acceptance research, which is called information systems ( IS ) invention theory. ABC is defined as a direction accounting invention, and it is considered as an administrative invention ( versus technological invention ) .This survey is an invention research, tried to explicate execution procedure by utilizing a factor-based attack ( versus a eventuality attack ) . This survey found grounds that perceived environment uncertainness ( PEU ) plays an of import function in execution, acceptance, and extract phase of ABC. It is besides of import to observe Iran face with in unpredictable environment. The findings suggest that under unsure conditions, director does non supply resources for implementing new invention system such as ABC. The consequences besides provide grounds on the function ABC as an invention accounting systems to better fiscal and non fiscal public presentation.

Monday, July 29, 2019

1984 Essays (376 words) - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Free Essays

In the appendix of Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell warns against the enormous power a regime can hold once it has control of the language. Winston, on the other hand, believes he is free as long as he can hold on the mathematical axiom, 2+2=4. Unfortunately, Winston grossly underestimates the sheer power held be Oceania?s totalitarian regime. With the Inner Party at the helm, Oceanian society has been deliberately drawn down to a deep, inescapable socioeconomic morass, with Party exercising its conscious aim of nurturing a state of ?unfreedom and inequality?. Having learnt a great deal from totalitarian regimes that had failed in the past, the Inner Party became a small ruling group that was determined to create a societal structure that would ensure the Party maintained a permanent stronghold over Oceania and its people. Unlike their predecessors, the Inner Party was comprised of people who were ?less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and above all, mor e conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition. From this steely resolve of the Inner Party to be the eternal guardians of power in Oceania stems the wide and varied sources of truth and power held be the totalitarian regime. Collectively, these sources present a frightening combination that, fundamentally, serves to destroy the essence of the human spirit and to ensure the ruling group an endless reign of power. As Orwell details in the appendix of the novel, control over language is one of the major sources of truth and power held by Oceania?s totalitarian regime. The introduction and steady implementation of Newspeak as the language of choice for Party members, meant that the Party effectively assumed control of the boundaries of human expression and thought. The elimination of words and phrases considered unfavourable to the Party and its ideals made it extremely difficult to express conflicting or derogatory views towards the Party. And, with this su ppression of free thought through language, the Party is also able to eliminate unwanted ideas, emotions, and ideals associated with those words. The embodiment of the slogan ?Ignorance is Strength? is another source of power for the totalitarian regime in Oceania. The Party exploits the basic idea that ignorant people are content people.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Traditional University Education verses Online Education courses Essay

Traditional University Education verses Online Education courses - Essay Example Online education, which is in the category of distance learning, involves studying via the internet (Amy, 2009). There is minimal face to face interaction because all assignments are posted, done, and submitted online. This education best fits those who would not like to disrupt their professional career or personal life. You can do your assignments while you are in your office or home. Your study schedule is done at your convenience or when time is available. Traditional and online university Education have several elements that they share, however, there are certain elements which sets them apart. When considering an educational system, factors such as credit transfer, interaction, cost and convenience are of great importance. This paper seeks to compare and contrast traditional university education system and online education program. It will compare and contrast the cost, convenience, communication means, and interaction in the two programs. Cost In both systems there is a cost t hat a student must incur. As the world economy grows, the cost of education has always been increasing. However, this factor sets apart the two systems of education. The online education is relatively cheaper than the traditional education system. In the online education system, there is no need for transport funds because you study from home or your office. The textbooks are also available online and you do not need to incur an extra cost of purchasing them. In the traditional universities you need to rent a house or pay for a hostel maybe because of the distance from your place of residence; this is not the case for online education system. A student taking an online course may not need to attend gyms and dining halls. A mother who is breastfeeding will also not require employing a baby sitter if she is attending an online class. These differences make online education system relatively cheaper. Students who are undertaking online education also have access to scholarships, grants , and loans just like their counterparts undertaking traditional education systems. Convenience The flexibility that goes with online university courses makes them more convenient than traditional university programs. Since physical presence is not compulsory you can choose your own time to study your notes or do your assignments. There is no restriction to access of your lecture notes. This module is preferred by those who are working and do not have the time to attend lectures. However, just like the traditional university module, there are deadlines for submission of assignments and without commitment you cannot succeed in this program. The student should exercise discipline and balance his professional and education time. In an online course, you can also choose the period you want to finish your course. This means that you can schedule in more courses so that you can complete your course earlier. In a traditional system, the courses and exams run at a scheduled time and it is h ard to take more courses (Best Online Universities, 2013). Communication In both systems communication between the learner and the instructor is vital. In the traditional education system, there is more face to face communication than online communication. Students meet with their instructors in class, they are taught and can ask questions and be answered. They also meet with fellow students: discuss class work, share views, and ideas and can have group work. In the other system, communication bet

Organizational Behavior Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Organizational Behavior - Research Paper Example Other than waiting for the workers to seek out clarifications, information, the management will approach them in a direct manner for purposes of asking about their informational needs. For instance, most meetings within the organization end with meeting leaders asking for questions and requests. I encourage that management and supervisors move such questions to the start of all meetings. The switch tells workers that their concerns and questions are important as compared to impending meeting agenda. It is critical to developing opportunities in which more informal time is presented to employees while interacting with the management. Employees often hesitate from interrupting the busy bosses for asking small things including the information needs. Managers providing opportunities within Casual work conversations help employees feel comfortable and needed with the elements of sharing the information needs. Lastly, the approach improves the quality of the meetings. The general suggestions from running better meetings are acquired. Staff relations are involved in the planning of meetings and advancing maximum efficiency (Grandey, Diefendorff & Rupp, 2013, page 121). The organizer meeting will be sending out agendas as well as supporting materials prior the meeting. Assigning time limits in the discussion items on the agenda will avoid lengthy deviations within meeting purposes. It is relevant to ensure that there is certainty in establishing rules for managing meetings within the o rganization without side conversations. Fair performance evaluation of employees involves a range of considerations. To achieve honest and fair assessments of employees, it is important to keep them up to par with the organizational expectations. Judging employees with respect to unclear or outdated criteria is unfair. Further, job priorities and descriptions are subject to change across time. Employees should do outstanding jobs on

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Native American Indians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Native American Indians - Essay Example Many of them believe that diseases and illnesses are forms of punishment from the gods from making them angry. Some believed that if a person plays his part in his environment and conduct himself so as to please the gods he will be spared from illnesses and misfortunes. Others believe that these are a part of the cycle of life. In earlier times their little contact with the wider society helped to form some of their beliefs. Traditionally, the Indians put diseases into two general classifications. One was diseases that were termed as environmental causes such as injuries, intestinal disorders and rheumatism (Trafzer 96). These were illnesses and diseases that could be attributed to apparent causes. The treatment for these types of illnesses was found in the natural environment. This included animals, medicinal plants, and minerals. Many of these natural remedies were kept in every home and a knowledgeable family member would use the appropriate remedy to according to the disease or illness. The second type of disease was that caused by supernatural forces. The causes of these diseases were not as apparent or easy to determine as the former category of diseases and illnesses. The Indians had their own health personnel to cure these illnesses. The healer had to possess certain characteristics before he was allowed to practice. One of the major qualifications was to be honest, brave and humble. These practitioners were also called to intervene in the treatment of those who had illnesses that were not readily cured by normal home remedies. Some of the methods used by the practitioners or tribal healers were charms, dances and prayers. The tribal healers are normally in possession of paraphernalia including animal parts. These were supposed to ward of evil spirits. The Indian believed in a number of supernatural causes of diseases. Prevalent among these causes were sorcery, taboo violation, and soul loss. They believed that any illness is

Friday, July 26, 2019

Investigate whether financial conservative policies depend on Dissertation

Investigate whether financial conservative policies depend on financial distress - Dissertation Example The literature review will look at work already done in the area and this along with an analysis of data will be used to arrive at a conclusion. The paper also describes the research methodology that will be used in carrying out the study. Theoretical Framework Central to this investigation is to define trade off and pecking order theories and the terms financial conservatism, financial distress and leverage. A sample of firms that adopts conservative policies as it relates to high levels of cash holdings and low levels of leverage will be identified and data relating to financial conservatism will be analysed. Trade-off theory predicts that when firms face high expected cost of financial distress and/ or attach a rather low value to interest tax shields, then, they will seek to employ conservative financial policies (Minton and Wruck 2001). Pecking order theory predicts that firms use external financing only when internal funds are insufficient to support discretionary expenditures. When internal funds fall short, managers look first to debt financing and only as a last resort do they turn to using equity financing (Myers 1984). Definitions Financial conservatism For the purpose of this study financial conservatism is defined as a persistent financial policy of low leverage and high cash holdings. Financial distress Financial distress is the inability to generate revenue when there are too many debts. Literature Review Iona (2004) Berger et al (1997) suggests that managers tend to make more conservative capital structure decisions when are given the power to use their discretion and are therefore free from disciplinary and monitoring mechanisms. The main motives behind the choice of conservative leverage policies are to reduce the probability of financial distress and bankruptcy and to resist disciplinary actions. Mackie-Mason (1990) used the modified Altman’s (1968) Z-Score to test for the likelihood that a firm will experience financial distress. Simi larly, Helwege and Liang 1996; and Graham (2000) have used this variable in their capital structure studies. They have found the Z-Score coefficient to be consistently positive and significant. This therefore, indicates that financially conservative firms are less likely to face financial distress. Myers (1984) suggests that a firm may seek to maintain slack in the form of reserve borrowing power and target a level of borrowing that lies below its debt capacity. In doing so, the firm can issue safe debt if it needs to avoid any material costs of financial distress. Titman (1984) and Graham (2000) identified industries in which firms are likely to experience significant costs of financial distress. The suggestion is that sensitivity distress results from high levels of on-going relationships with customers which results from warranties, repairs and upgrades associated with the sale of goods in the computer industry, specialty manufacturing industry, the retail industry and the pharma ceutical/biotechnology firms. Minton and Wruck (2001) indicates that three (3) of the four (4) industry classification mentioned above are associated significantly with the probability of being financially conservative. Retail firms are less likely to follow policies of low leverage possibly because of the thinking that real estate serves as good collateral for borrowing purposes. Iona (2004) also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The role of employee engagement in the delivery of enhanced Assignment

The role of employee engagement in the delivery of enhanced organizational performance - Assignment Example The psychological contract has been further explained in the light of the managerial roles. The managers expect that their subordinates will seek out for new challenges and foster loyalty towards the organization, at the same time the employees also expect that the organization will offer them sufficient work flexibility and growth opportunities. An employee will increase their individual output and responsibility if the organization gives more priority towards its staffs and offers them with perks and rewards. Thus it has been clearly stated that a proper leadership style along with a proper organizational culture will lead to increased employee engagement which as a result will improve the overall organizational performance. This report is a part of the unit assignment for the full time students of the Manchester Metropolitan University. The report contains the discussion over the work engagement of an employee in his organization and how it has been affected by the organizational behaviour. It highlights the relationship between the organizational output and the employee engagement. The role of managers and supervisors has also been discussed, which acts as a major factor in improving the organizational output by increasing employee engagement. This report has been backed up by several relevant articles and theories in order to justify the findings. This paper will help managers to identify the organizational behaviour responsible for higher employee engagement and increased organizational output. The managers will be able to relate their organization to this study and make necessary amendments in the firm policies which will eventually lead to voluntary employee commitment. This business report has been prepared on secondary data collected from various journal articles and theories from relevant organizational management books. Several real life examples which are cited in the paper have been collected from

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Transition From in Rem to in Personam Dimensions of Property Essay

Transition From in Rem to in Personam Dimensions of Property - Essay Example This paper is the best analysis of the most important theoretical concepts, developed by great economist and lawyers during last centuries, regarding the definition of a property. From the concept of right in rem, property rights impose a duty and attach to anyone, thus, providing a sense of security to a person who introduces improvement to the resources In the desire of the economists and economically oriented lawyers to define property in the context of the economic system, they drifted away from the in rem concept of property. They sought to determine property relationships in an economic perspective using some variables. This evolved property as a right to a thing to a mere collection of rights and privileges which are easily distributable, categorizing it as rights in personam. For the realists, the move to dethrone the concept of property as a natural right is politically motivated. Since property is a mere collection of interests, which social convention determines, the state may intervene, regulate and redistribute property. The state may vary list of interests for the general welfare, thereby allowing greater state intervention on economy and reducing the constitutional rights guaranteed to property owners Although law and economics movement was skeptical towards state intervention, its economic scholars embraced the legal realists conception of bundle-of-rights. To them, property is a listing by the state of permitted uses of a limited resource - the hyper-realist conception of property attributed to Ronald Coase. His 1960 article, The Problem of Social Cost, becomes the groundwork for later theorists on this subject. Three schools of thought followed Coase’s view of property as a collection of use rights.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pain in unresponsive patients Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pain in unresponsive patients - Essay Example A contributing factor for this could be that the various pain scales available for noncommunicative patients generally are subjective and, therefore, lacking in inter-rater reliability. Besides, research in pain assessment tools has not been adequate. The major aims of this study are (1) to compare the Numerical Rating Scale and the Behavioral Pain Scale for measuring pain in unresponsive patients, and Pain is an important problem in critical care and accurate assessment of pain in the unresponsive patient is indeed a challenge. The unresponsive patients include pediatric, trauma, surgery, cancer, and critically ill, end-of- life cases. The attending nurses are generally accountable for pain management in the patient. It is estimated that critically ill patients dying in the ICU account for nearly 20% of the hospital deaths (Rocker & Curtis, 2003). Hence, nursing care decisions made at the end of life are crucial for the comfort of the patient. Palliative care has been defined by the World Health Organization as "the total care of patients and families whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment" (WHO, 1990, p.11). Assessment and management of pain in the palliative care is a very difficult process especially in the case of a non-verbal patient (Gambrell, 2005). Health-care providers play an active role in managing pain and providing comfort to such patients. But unmitig ated pain in the absence of adequate use of analgesics and sedatives can lead to enhanced morbidity and mortality in patients in the ICU (Ahlers et al., 2008). The tools available for pain assessment in noncommunicative patients are mostly subjective which is a great drawback. Ideally, an objective tool for quantification of pain intensity capable of providing a quick feedback would be needed to provide comfort to the unresponsive patient (Gambrell, 2005). Critically ill patients show a variety of hormonal changes and neurogenic blockade and analgesia with local anaesthetics can prevent

Hydrochloric acid Essay Example for Free

Hydrochloric acid Essay Prediction I predict that the more marble chips there are, the faster the rate of reaction, because there is more marble for the hydrochloric acid to react with, I predict this because in previous experiments when working with the same equipment I found that if you put a lot of marble in the acid, the levels of water in the burette go down very quickly, compared to when you only put a little bit of marble in the acid and the levels of water go down much slower. I also predict that the hotter the temperature of acid, the faster the rate of reaction, because heat often works as a catalyst in experiments with acid. Increasing the temperature of the acid will increase the rate of reaction because particles move faster and collide more vigourously at higher temperatures. Plan I will fill a burette with water, and then turn it upside down in a beaker full of water. I will then put a tube into the bottom of the burette and attach it to another beaker using a bung to stop any air from leaking. I will then calculate the rate of reaction between the marble chips and hydrochloric acid by measuring how much the levels of water in cmi drops every 10seconds. So that it is a fair investigation I will make sure that I always start with 50cmi of water in the burette, and 1000cmi of acid in the beaker. I will also make sure that I take readings every 10 seconds, because otherwise my results would be invalid, or have results missing. The factors that I will investigate to see if they cause change are temperature of the acid, and amount in weight of marble chips. I will test 0. 5g and 1g of marble chips at every temperature, and will try and repeat every experiment twice so that I will be able to see whether any results seem totally inaccurate. I will test the rate of reaction at three temperatures, firstly I will cool the acid to 6i C. I will do this by putting the beaker of acid in a larger beaker of water and ice. This will ensure that no ice comes into contact with the acid so the water wont dilute it. I will then add the marble chips. I will then test the rate of reaction at room temperature, and after that I will test the rate of reaction at 55i C by heating the acid with a Bunsen burner and then adding the marble. I will set up the apparatus as below: Results: The rate of reaction for 0. 5g marble chips at 6 degrees C. Time (seconds) Level of water in burette (cmi ) 0 50 10 49. 4 20 49. 4 30 49. 4 40 48. 5 50 47. 6 60 46. 3 70 44. 1 80 43. 4 90 42 100 41 110 39. 9 120 38. 8 130 37. 6 140 36. 5 150 35. 8 160 34. 9 170 33. The rate of reaction for 0. 5g marble chips at room temperature. Time (seconds) Level of water in burette (cmi ) The rate of reaction for 1g marble chips at room temperature. Time (seconds) Level of water in burette (cmi ) The rate of reaction for 0. 5g marble chips at 55 degrees C. Time (seconds) Level of water in burette (cmi ) The rate of reaction for 1g of marble chips at 55 degrees C. Time (seconds) Level of water in burette (cmi ) 0Conclusion I conclude that my predictions that the hotter the acid, the faster the rate of reaction, because the particles move faster and collide more at higher temperatures, and the more marble chips there are, the faster the rate of reaction, because there is more marble for the acid to react with to be true. I can prove this because using my line of best fit on the averages graphs, I calculated the rate (by using the formula: Level of water/ Time (seconds)), at about 60 seconds in all but the hot acid experiments, where I worked out the rate at 40 seconds. I chose these times because at about these times the experiment was well underway, so the rate would be accurate, and it wouldnt be too late that the reaction was slowing down. I worked out that the rates were: Evaluation I think that the experiment went quite well overall, and we got some quite good results. I think if I did it again I would work with a weight of crushed marble chips instead of just a set weight of random sized marble chips, because the larger the surface area of something, the shorter length of time it takes to dissolve, and this could have effected the results of these experiments because the reactions that took longer may have taken longer because the marble was smaller in surface area than in other experiments. This is because the larger the surface area, the more particles that are in contact with the acid at any one time, so it will be able to react faster. I might also use different strengths of acid to see whether the stronger the acid is, the faster the rate of reaction. A stronger concentration of acid will increase the rate of reaction, because more collisions of molecules are possible in the same amount of time, because there are more particles available in the same volume of acid.

Monday, July 22, 2019

President of India and Equal Rights Essay Example for Free

President of India and Equal Rights Essay First of all youth need to have strong character which need to be based on a catch word watch, standing for people who watch their Words (W), Actions (A), Thoughts (T), First of all the youth should fight for equal rights for all the citizens. Even now, there are lots of people who do not get equal rights. India should have youth politicians and they should live in clean democracy and let others also to live in corruption free India as India is now full of corruption. We see lots of news related to corruption each day. In the present day the burning topic is Black Money, but is the answer in getting the money back or is it important to eradicate the root cause from where this comes? In this fashion the problems need to be addressed. The youth should not get swayed away by lucrative political slogans, this is what the meaning of watch   is all about. There is great responsibility on the shoulders of youth in abolishing corruption. They should also empower the masses to fight for their rights. Nowadays the youth brains of India are working as brains for other countries looking for great salaries . The youth should work for the development of their own country. So looking for jobs within the country is a great thing for realizing the dreams of Dr. Kalam. The youth should involve in the social issues like those. So the youth should take part in promoting national integration. As I said before, all should have equal rights and responsibilities as a citizen of india. So the youth should take part in empowering women to participate equally in all fields for the development of our country..

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Science Of Artificial Neural Networks Psychology Essay

The Science Of Artificial Neural Networks Psychology Essay The science of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), commonly referred as Neural Networks, stills a new and promising area of research. The concept of creation of neural networks exists for many decades. Nevertheless neural networks have become known and have been developed in international levels only in the recent years. It is noteworthy, scientist showing interest in neural networks, come from different scientific areas such as chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics, engineering and the list goes on. That shows Neural Networks is a new challenge in science. No other science today combines and needs direct knowledge from such diverse areas. One of the main differences of the Artificial Neural Networks from the biological is that while ANNs learn through training and experience just like the biological ones but they follow different rules from regular computers. A Neural Network is a parallel data processing system consisted by multitude of artificial neurons, organized in structure s similar with the ones in human brain. They function as parallel computing devices made by many highly interconnected simple processors. Artificial Neurons are mainly organized in layers. The first of those layers called the input layer and is used to insert the data. Input layers are unable to proceed to any sort of computation as its elements do not comprise input weights or bias (threshold). The axon: mean of transfer of neural signals from the neuron. Its length can be tens of thousands of times the diameter of its body and it is characterized by high electrical resistance and very large capacitance. Every neuron has only one axon, however it can branch and thus enabling communication with many target cells or other neurons. The dendrite: short highly branched cell projections (filaments). Most neurons have many dendrites, attached on the soma and increase the surface area. There are approximately 10^3 to 10^4 dendrites per neuron, to receive information from other neurons through synapses they are covered with and transmit electrochemical stimulation to the soma. The axon terminal: located in the end of the axon and is responsible for transmitting signals on to other neurons. On axon terminals are attached the terminal buttons, that store the information in synaptic vesicles and secreting them in neurotransmitters. As mentioned above, the connection between neurons happens through the synapses. Neural synapses are a silent exchange of information. The electrical nerve impulses travel along neurons and transmitted by chemical transmitters (neurotransmitters) in the next neuron across a tiny gap, the synapses and are located between the neuron and the neighboring cell (target cell). Therefore dendrites are very close to each other but never in touch. It is estimated that there are approximately 10 billion neurons in the human cortex, and 60 trillion synapses or connections (Shepherd and Koch, 1990). A number of neurons and their connections form a neural network. The entire system of neural networks in the human body forms the Central Nervous System. This system goes through the whole human body with central points the brain and the spine. During lifetime, synapses are in constant dynamic equilibrium, new are created and old are destroyed. The creation of new synapse happens when the brain acquires more experiences from the surrounding environment, learns, recognizes and understands. On the other side, diseases cause the devastation of neurons and therefore the devastation of synapses. In comparison to other cells, neurons might not replaced by new ones, if destroyed. That means after the birth of a new individual, its neural system is fully developed within the first few months of its life. A neuron can be either active or inactive. When it is activated, it produces an electric signal. This signal has intensity of only a few mVolt. The way those electric signals are produced is pretty similar with the way a capacitor works. Between the external and internal surface of the cell of the neuron there is a dynamic difference. Although the mass of the human brain is only the 2% of human body mass, consumes more than the 20% of the oxygen that goes in the organism. The energy consumption in the brain is about 20 Watt in comparison to a computer that needs a lot more. The computational power of brain is measured by three possible approaches: The number of synapses (Kandel, 1985), the computational power of the retina and multiply it by their brain-to-retina ratio (Moravec, 1998b), and the total useful energy used by the brain per second by the amount of energy used for each basic operation to give the maximum operation per second (Merkle, 1989) From the three approaches above, is concluded that the estimated computational power of human brain is about 10^14 operations per second (Ng, 2009). It is interesting to mention how the electric pulses are created to stimulate neurons. On the membrane of the cell it is appeared to be an electric potential difference between its external and internal surface just like a capacitor. Most of the times the negative charges found in the internal surface as they cant penetrate the membrane and leave the cell. The membrane has many openings that allow ions and atoms to go through each element from its own channel. The endings of the channels are secured by gates which directing the flow of those elements. Proteins that act like pumps force the elements to travel in the opposite direction from their natural and thus neurons consume larger amounts of energy. Eventually the balanced movement of the elements along the surface of the membrane produces an electric current which is the corresponding electrical pulse that stimulates the neuron. Once the neuron has fired it returns to a state of potential equilibrium and in this state it cant be fired again until it recovers. Each neuron has a specific threshold or weight. When electric signals reach that point, sum up and if their weight value is same or larger than the one of the threshold the neuron stimulates. If the sum of the signals is smaller than the required value of the threshold, then the neuron stays inactive. Add images. Models of artificial neurons As mentioned earlier, ANNs are parallel data processing systems, consisting out of large numbers of artificial neurons, inspired by the biological neurons. A neuron is an information-processing unit that is fundamental to the operation of a neural network (Haykin, 1999, pg-10). A neuron may have many inputs, an internal structure consisting out of multiple layers but it always has a single output. Every single neuron accepts variable input signals x0, x1, x2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦xn. This corresponds to the electric pulses of the biological brain. Every input signal is multiplied by the synaptic weights of the neuron, wi, where i=1,2,3..n, the input nodes. The weights represent the biological synapses and indicate the strength of the bond (the connection) between them. The range of value of a weight can be positive or negative depending on if the function of synapse suspend or propagate (transmit) the stimuli from other neurons, unlike the biological synapses that do not take negative values. This is because external bias, b, are applied when the weights added. Bias or threshold, is the standard value of the internal potential energy of the neuron that the sum of the combined output must be reached in order the activation (or squashing) function to be activated. An important element of the neuronal body is the adder .At the adder, all the input signals, influenced by weight vectors are summing up together and produce a resultant combined output u. When the sum of weight is big (0 Therefore, the product u is given by the relationship: The result of combined output u, pass through the activation function, denoted with the letter  Ã¢â‚¬  ( ). The activation function is a non linear function where the resultant combined output u takes its final value y. The calculated activation output signal of the neuron is shown as: and where Therefore, Activation functions There are several activation functions, however three of the most basic types are the following 🙠 they slightly vary from book to book) The threshold activation function, which gives as an output 1, if the adder produce a value greater than the one of the threshold. This is expressed as: The Piecewise-Linear function, where the unity is assumed to be the amplification factor inside the linear region of operation (Haykin, 1999, pg:14) The Sigmoid function, which is expressed as: Where  Ã‚ ¡ is is the slope parameter of the sigmoid function. This function is one of the most important and most commonly used as it provides non-linearity to the neuron. Some other activation functions are, the rump function, the bipolar sigmoid function, and the signum function. The signum function gives a positive or negative output, with values usually ranging from 1 to -1 depending on the value of the summation of the weights on the threshold. This can be applied to the activation functions mentioned above and more specifically to the threshold faction giving: Add images and graphs A simple neural network In this paragraph, neural networks will be introduced, starting from their simplest form. Every neural network consists out of hundreds or thousands of tiny units, the neurons. Each neuron has an input where the electric signals are received. A neuron may have more than one input but no matter how many layers of neurons and synaptic connections are in between (the body), there is always one output value. The neurons of a layer between each input and output are not connected to each other however each layer is interconnected with the layer of the next and the previous level. In its simplest form, a neuron has no layers but is limited only to an input and an output. Every signal that leaves an output and enters an input has a value, the weights. The weights represent the importance of each signal reaching the threshold of an input. Depending on the value of weight (wn), the contribution of the electric signal can be great or small for the function of the system. Artificial intelligence and neural networks Historical background (The study of the brain and the biological neurons has started thousands of years ago.) However, as artificial neural networks started to be developing the past century, the historical background still not as broad as in other sciences. The first union of mathematical logic and neuropsychology, commenced in 1943 by Warren S. McCulloch and Walter Pitts. McCulloch was a pioneer neuroanatomist and psychiatrist. Pitts was a young mathematical prodigy, who joined McCulloch in 1942. (Haykin, 1999, pg: 38). Together they created the first model a neural network that was represented by a great number of interconnected neurons. In their well-known paper, A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity, (1943), came up with theorems that describe the function of neurons and the neural networks. As a result of those theorems, neural networks and artificial intelligence ideas established a new era of research began. The paper of McCulloch and Pitts, triggered the interest of many scientists like von Neumann, Wiener and Uttley in their effort to extract information of the function of biological neurons and create corresponding artificial ones. In 1949 another idea appeared by D. Hebb who published the book The Organisation of Behavior. Although his book had greater influence on the psychological rather than the engineering community, he introduced the concept of postulate and learning and the synaptic modification rule, which suggests that the connectivity of the brain changes continually thorough its entire life in the process of learning new tasks. From 1950 to 1979, a number of remarkable books were written about neural networks developing the ideas of neurons abilities, such as learning and memorising. Some of these books are the Design for a Brain: The origin of Adaptive Behaviors, (1952) by Ashby, that still exciting to read nowadays, and the Learning Machines, (1965) by Nilsson, one of the best-written expositions about linearly separable patterns in hypersurfaces. (Haykin, 1999, pg: 40). A novel model, the perceptron, introduced in 1958 by F. Rosenblatt. The perceptron is a very simple model of supervised learning, which has only one input and one output built around a nonlinear neuron (Haykin pg 135). Although this model appeared to have many limitations the idea of training the neurons encouraged many scientists for building larger neural networks. In 1969, Minsky and Papert in their book Perceptron they make a complete evaluation of the features and uses of the perceptrons. It proved with mathematics that there were fundamental limitations on the computational ability of single-layered perceptrons and therefore those limitations assumed to carry on in the multilayered levels of perceptrons. A period followed were scientists start losing hope about neural networks and turned to other knowledge based systems. In 1982, neural networks make an interesting come back when John Hopfield proved in a strict mathematical way that by time a neural network can be adjusted to use the minimum energy to function just like human brain does. In addition, Hopfield proved that a simple neural network can be used as storage devise. Such networks are called the Hopfield networks. A very important work was published in 1986 by Rumelhart and McClelland. The two-volume book, Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognitions, shows new methods of training neural networks and introduces the idea of parallel data processor. This theory had a great influence in the use of back-propagation learning as and allowed the development of multilayered networks (perceptrons). The books published by McCulloch- Pitts (1943), Hopfield (1982) and Rumelhart-McClelland (1986), are the most influential in the revolution of neural networks. Since 1980 to nowadays, Neural Networks have been established as a new independent science branch. Conferences and magazines appeared with complete interest on artificial neural networks while the first commercial companies dedicated to the improvement of them, created, supported by thousands of members worldwide especially in America, Europe and Japan. Learning processes/ training Fundamental ideas The present, looking to future Ann applications areas Anns in civil engineering Can it be applied in? Benefits/disadvantages Program Observations comments summary references

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pluto Essays -- essays research papers

In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.† The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification Pluto Essays -- essays research papers In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pluto’s discovery was actually a fortunate accident. Clyde Tombaugh was searching for a ninth planet to explain inconsistencies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus. Once further research was done regarding Pluto it was determined that the size of Pluto was too small to account for the irregularities of the orbits. Astronomers continued to search for a tenth planet, â€Å"Planet X.† The calculations that made scientists to believe this have since been proven incorrect by the Voyager 2. With the more accurate mass of Neptune that Voyager 2 was able to produce, the discrepancies of the orbit were explained. It is no longer believed that there is a tenth planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since it’s discovery, the legitimacy of Pluto as actually being a planet, has long been debated. The numerous irregularities found when studying Pluto, coupled with its miniscule size has made it the object of controversy. For a while it was believed that Pluto could have possibly been another moon of the planet Neptune. This was often believed due to similarities between Pluto and the Neptune moon Triton. Triton and Pluto have similar surface and atmospheric properties, both being of near equal temperatures. Many believe that Triton was also once independent from Neptune, and that Triton, like Pluto, came from the Kuiper Belt explaining such relations. Also, both Pluto and Triton have very unusual orbits which does lead some to believe that there is a cosmic connection between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Upon ruling out the possibility of Pluto being another moon of Neptune, Pluto was then classified by the International Astronomical Union ... ... it greatly differs from the Earth’s distance of 147.5 kilometers from the sun at perihelion. Astronomers can best study Pluto when it is at perihelion, unfortunately, it only happens once in its 248.8 year orbit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As we continue to extend out reach to the outer solar system, we are constantly learning more and more about Pluto. While the information that astronomers have is limited, every piece helps them to make further hypothesis about the planet. In just a short time Astronomers have been able to make great leaps gathering information to better understand Pluto. Hopefully, with continued space travel and research, we can continue to learn about the unusual planet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sources †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  IAU press release from January 1999. â€Å"The status of Pluto: A clarification

hydropower :: essays research papers

Renewable Energy (Hydropower) The first time hydropower was used was in 1880 to generate 16 lamps at a wolverine chair factory in Grand Rapids Michigan. In the United States, hydroelectric plants opened near Appleton, Wisconsin on the Fox River on September 30, 1882. At that time, the only fuel used to make electricity was coal because of its abundance and low cost. People knew about hydroelectric power but the only places you could do that is by a water source. Hydropower became more popular when technology could send electricity long distances. To make hydropower, you have to direct moving water into pipes known as penstock. The swiftly flowing water in big rivers determines the energy produced or waterfalls, like the Columbia River or Niagara Falls. After the moving water is directed into the penstock, it pushes against the blades in the turbine to spin a generator that produces electricity. The other way to get hydropower is a storage system where water is collected by dams and will direct water into the penstock to turn the generator when the demand for electricity is high. The water being held back by the dam becomes lakes used for boating and fishing. The rivers beyond the dam become whitewater rafting and kayaking spots. An example of this is the Hoover dam, made in 1936 between Arizona and Nevada. This dam created lake 110 miles long called Lake Mead, offering water sports and fishing. Almost all of the hydroelectricity made in the United States is made in nine states, Washington, California, Oregon, New York, Tennessee, South Carolina, South Dakota, Arkansas, and Nevada. Hydropower is an ideal fuel because it is renewable and almost free, having no waste products, and does not pollute the water or air. A negative about hydropower is how it changes the environment and alters the natural habitats. An example of the negative effect on nature by a dam was when the salmon was blocked from their spawning grounds upstream.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spielberg Bio :: essays research papers

Steven Allan Spielberg was born December 18, 1946, in Cincinnati, Ohio, to parents Arnold, an electrical engineer, and Leah, a former concert pianist. Spielberg was raised in Phoenix, Arizona, where his love for film and business savvy were always apparent. At age 12, he used the money he earned from his tree-planting business to fund his first amateur film, for which he also wrote the script. stardom is no science fiction Despite his early experience with filmmaking -- he made Escape to Nowhere, a 40-minute war movie at 13, and a 140-minute film entitled Firelight at 16 (science-fiction, of course) -- he was still rejected from USC's prestigious filmmaking program twice. Spielberg attended California State University instead, where he received his BA in English, and where he also studied cinema. The aspiring filmmaker finally got his rite of passage into television after his short film, Amblin' (also the name of Spielberg's independent company) received much praise at the Atlanta Film Festival. A 20-year-old Spielberg landed a 7-year contract with Universal-MCA, making him one of the youngest TV directors there. Spielberg worked on television shows such as Marcus Welby, M.D. and Colombo, and the pilot episode for the series Night Gallery, which starred Joan Crawford (he and Crawford had remained close friends until her death). As for film, Spielberg worked on made-for-TV movies like Something Evil (1972) and Savage (1973), but it was 1972's Duel which made everyone raise their eyebrows. It became a cult classic and helped forge his way into cinema. express to success Spielberg's entrance into film was marked by 1974's The Sugarland Express, which marked him as a Hollywood up-and-comer. But it was the film Jaws that would not only instill a fear of the ocean for people; it also launched Spielberg to A-list status and solidified what we now know as the summer blockbuster. When Close Encounters of the Third Kind was released in 1977, it was clear that Spielberg was a force to be reckoned with; the Academy also recognized his skills by honoring him with a Best Director Oscar nomination. With hits come misses, and Spielberg had some of those too, namely, his first comedic attempt, 1941. The film flopped, but with the coming of a new decade, Spielberg had the force to strive ahead and become the most powerful director of his time. Spielberg and his buddy, fellow movie powerhouse George Lucas, joined efforts to make a little film called Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, which Spielberg directed.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Family groupings Essay

1. â€Å"Many young children spend more waking hours with caregivers than they do with their primary families† (Swim & Watson, 2011, p. 16). Based on the information presented on pages 9-21 of your course text, explain how the combination of family groupings, continuity of care, primary caregiving, and rich partnerships with families enhance healthy infant development and learning in the context of infant care. It is very important that an infant develops a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social and emotional development to occur normally. The attachment theory suggests that infants, toddlers and adults need time to create positive emotional bonds with one another. The transition between home and school should be smooth and continuous. The only pathway for achieving that is through partnering with families. Recognizing, supporting, and utilizing this can significantly improve your effectiveness as a caregiver and educator (Swim & Watson, 2011). 2. Developmentally appropriate practice in infant settings requires understanding the bidirectional and reciprocal relationship between the child and his or her environment. Based on Chapters 1 & 2 of your course text, provide a total of three examples of bidirectional and reciprocal relationships that exist between infants, families and child care settings. Based on these examples, describe the role infant settings can play in supporting infant and family development. Three examples of bidirectional and reciprocal relationships are physical, emotional and social language. There is an increased need for teacher education, parent education, including proper selection of care settings, innovative and child centered practices such as continuity of care, effective use of resources. The role infant settings can play in supporting infant and family development is it is important for the primary caregiver to understand that even newborns have a part in their own growth and development. Infa nts have their wants, needs and desires and they must be respected (Swim & Watson). 3. â€Å"A culturally rich curriculum encourages the recognition of cultural differences and helps young families connect with the traditions of their heritage and culture† (Swim & Watson, 2011, p. 21). Based on the discussion of cultural models presented on pages 21-23 of your course text, explain the role of the infant caregiver in providing a culturally rich curriculum. A culturally rich curriculum encourages the recognition of cultural differences and helps young families connect with the traditions of their own heritage and culture. Infant caregivers recognize the richness and opportunities available in order to work with families of diverse ethnic, racial and cultural groups (Swim & Watson). The infant caregiver wants what we all want and that is happy, healthy and successful children. Organizing and ongoing reflection upon what parents tell us about their strategies can help us discover their cultural model for caregiving, and then compare it with the cultural models th at guide our own practice (Watson, 2011).